Travel Gear

How T-Mobile Saved My Rear (and Wallet) Overseas and Why Travelers Need to be Using It

How T-Mobile Saved My Rear (and Wallet) Overseas and Why Travelers Need to be Using It

Is it worth it for frequent international travelers to make the switch to T-Mobile? Yes, yes and yes.

The Day the MacBook Air Died

The Day the MacBook Air Died

There are days in a digital nomad’s life that are very, very good. Like, when you’re cruising through the Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve at Grand Teton National Park and you see a monstrous moose with velvety antlers chilling in a pond, chomping on stringy, green algae, and staring at you […]

My Hot Options.

Who You Calling “Hot Option”?

At this stage of the trip – the start of month 6 – a few things have happened. First, I am down to a mere 1 pair of pants in my backpack. Second, the weather has taken a turn for cold and getting colder as I arrive in New Zealand […]

The Sting: How the Electronic Mosquito Bat Will Save America

The Sting: How the Electronic Mosquito Bat Will Save America

Move over, wheel. I’ve declared the Electronic Mosquito Bat to be the world’s greatest invention. Now, I’ve been told I’m prone to exagerration. Ok fine. I admit, stretching the facts, particularly at the expense of a good story, may be my, um, gift. But this time, truly, I can’t overstate […]

My moisture-wicking unmentionables, encased in Ziplock bag, of course!

An Ode to Moisture-Wicking Undies

I admit it now, a full 3 months into my trip around the world: I don’t actually need the headlamp I packed with all the pride of a novice outdoorswoman. And I’m still not sure what I thought I’d be affixing to my backpack with the2 carabiners now in my […]

The Great New Delhi Computer Caper

The Great New Delhi Computer Caper

The task, you see, was simple enough. While in New Delhi – that great, chaotic city of technology outsourcing and IT heroes – get my broken Mac Air fixed at one of the city’s many Apple-certified resellers. Though, in India as I was to quickly learn, few tasks are ever […]

Upping the Karma Ante

Upping the Karma Ante

Call me “Old One-Shoe, Brokeback Val.” Really, you can. And I dig it. Because that’s the short of my story in Fethiye. And because of the short, I’ve come to understand a good, long lesson. Arriving in the seaside town of Fethiye, I exhaled a sigh of relief on a […]

This is My Computer. This is My Computer’s Demise.

This is My Computer. This is My Computer’s Demise.

A few things ought to be noted, right off the bat. First, it’s not technically my computer (the bestest most brilliant friend, Alex Hillman) has generously loaned it to me for the Journey. This makes my predicament all the more woeful, as I suffer from an acute case of an […]