Checking Off the Bucket List: The Maldives


Years ago, while working as a freelancer, one of my regular gigs involved writing beach reviews for the world’s best stretches of sand and surf. Year after year the Maldives made the list, and with each new stint of research my obsession with seeing what’s widely believed to be the planet’s finest beaches reached crazy big heights.

Even though adding the Maldives to our itinerary was a huge splurge, I’m relieved to say it’s been well, well worth it. The island resort of Komandoo has exceeded my seemingly insurmountable expectations for what an island paradise might entail.

A perfect cabin on the beach, charming veranda, outdoor bathroom with jacuzzi, blue seas so bright it hurts to even think this level of beauty is real, tiny sharks swimming at my feet, an egret-like bird I’d like to think became my pet, bottles of wine drank at water’s edge, overcoming snorkeling fears and realizing what magnificence a reef can hold, seeing phosphorescent creatures wash up on shore at my toes under impossibly starry skies. (Click for more pictures on Flickr)

Yup, I’d do this again, and again. And again.


  1. This post makes me happy. Happy. Happy. Happy.

  2. holy mackeral–these pics are outrageous. how stunning!

  3. You made me cry with this one. Reminded me of days when I was traveling the world and enjoying all that life has to offer. I’m so happy for you. And super jelly;). Enjoy! Life doesn’t get much better than this!

    • Valerie Conners says:

      oh lady – i’m so GLAD you’re following along – it means so much. I hope you’ve been well – take another global jaunt, my friend!

  4. Sounds GLORIOUS!

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  6. Pingback: Traveling Bliss: The Maldives « Passenger Conners